2. Relationship of pollution with distribution of Mermaid's tresses (Spirogyra) in different localities of river Kabul

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Khushnood ur Rehman Izaz Khuram Tabassum Yaseen Laila Farooq, Sher Wali


The current research work focused on the distribution of Spirogyra in different localities of river Kabul in relation to pollution. Species’ diversity was determined from water polluted due to all the three types of water pollution i.e. domestic, industrial and agricultural pollution. In all the sets of collected samples from the research sites a total of 37 species of Spirogyra belonging to class Chlorophyta were recorded. Of them 30 species were collected from unpolluted, 36 from slightly polluted and 4 from highly polluted waters. The chemical analysis of collected water samples from three selected sites showed high concentration of CaCO3 (245mg/L) at highly polluted site Main Gujar; 188 mg/L and 164 mg/L at Khazana and Shah Alam respectively.

Keywords: Algae; Mermaid Tresses; Pollution; River Kabul; Spirogyra


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