1. Flax: Ancient to modern food

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Huma Qamar Muhammad Ilyas Ghulam Shabbir Gohar Irshad, Faizan Nisar, Syed Muhammad Abbas Maria Ghias Adnan Arshad


Flax is an important functional food because it is the richest source of ω-3 fatty acid i.e. α-linolenic acid (ALA). Flax also contains Lignin, flax fiber and minerals having potential health benefits against cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and neurological disorders. The Protein of flaxseed is also useful for preventing heart diseases and improves immunity. Flaxseed oil is used in different bakery products, muffins, cakes, juices, dairy products, macaroni and pasta. This review focuses on importance of the flaxseed and composition of its oil which includes the potential health benefits and commercial uses of flax as a functional food.

Keywords: Flaxseed; Food; Fiber; Linseed; Oilseed


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