26. Comparative effect of methionine and cysteine supplementation on growth performance and blood profile of Desi chicks

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Mehtab Haseena, Razia Iqbal, Muhammad Faheem Malik Syed Usman Haider, Abid Hussain, Tahir Aziz, Naveed Iftikhar


Methionine and cysteine are sulfur containing amino acids and have important role in protein synthesis and increases feed efficiency. This study was conducted to evaluate the comparative effect of methionine and cysteine on 22 day old Rhode Island Red (RIR) chicks. The effect of methionine and cysteine was assessed on blood profile and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) of Rhode Island Red chicks. Chicks were divided into 7 groups, A,B,C groups were given methionine, having concentrations 0.4 gram per kg (g/kg)  body weight (BW), 0.6g/kg BW and 0.7g/kg BW respectively, while groups D,E,F were given the cysteine, having concentrations 0.4g/kg BW, 0.6g/kg BW and 0.7g/kg BW respectively and G was control group that was given the normal basal diet. FCR of the chicks was decreased significantly which indicates better growth performance at all concentrations of methionine and cysteine. Hematological parameters including Hemoglobin (Hb), Hematocrit (PCV), Red Blood Cells (RBCs), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) and Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) were increased in all treatment groups. It is concluded that sulfur containing amino acid are growth enhancer. These amino acid supplements should be added in animal’s diet to improve growth and blood parameters. The study asserts further research on amino acid supplement to examine its effectiveness in other animals.

Keywords: Amino acid supplements; FCR; Hematological parameters; Rhode Island Red


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