1. Determination of heavy metals in drinking water and their adverse effects on human health. A review

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Muhammad Tahir Shah Muhammad Suleman Abdul Baqi, Samiullah Abdul Sattar Naqeebullah Khan, Attiq-ur-Rehman


The toxicity of heavy metals in drinking water has turned out to be a serious danger for human being and there are numerous problems related to it. Therefore, this study is conducted to explain the heavy metals contamination in drinking water and their related health effects. The dangerous impacts of these metals, without any biological role, exist in minor or another form perilous for man and its body functioning. Either they may work as a pseudo constituent of the body or may interfere with the metabolic activity of human body. Scarcely, any metal like aluminum can be expelled from water through various techniques while few metals get gathered in the body and evolved way of life, displaying a perpetual nature. Different general procedure have been adopted to control as well as to treat metal poisonous quality happening at different dimensions, for example, word related exposure, mishaps and natural factors. Metal lethality relies on the consumed portion, the course of exposure and span of contact, like intense or incessant. This can lead to different disarranges and can likewise result in over the top harm because of oxidative stress initiated by free radical generation. However, this review states the assessment of heavy metals in drinking water and their adverse health effects on human beings. This study will help researchers to acquire knowledge about heavy metals found in drinking water.

Keywords: Drinking water; Exposure; Free radicals; Heavy Metals



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