32. Allelopathic effect of Ailanthus altissima on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
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The allelopathic potential of Ailanthus altissima L. was investigated against Triticum aestivum L. variety Atta habib in the laboratory. Dry and fresh plant materials of Ailanthus altissima at 5g, 10g and 15g weight were soaked in 100ml distilled water. The materials were filtered after 24 hrs (1st treatment), 48 hrs (2nd treatment) and 72 hrs (3rd treatment). The extracts were applied to wheat grain to investigate their impact on radicle length, germination percentage and plumule length after 72 hours of incubation at 26oC. The result revealed that the extrect of fresh and dried leaves of Ailanthus altissima L. had inhibitory effect on germination percentage, plumule length and radicle length of Triticum aestivum . As compared to germinaton percentage, radicle and plumule length was more affected. The inhibitory effect of dried leaves on the test plant was more pronounced than the fresh leaves. The most inhibitory treatment which effect radicle length was 15g dry leaves extract in 48 hours sokaing duartion, which reduced the radicle length up to 0.67 mm, as compared to control (18.2 mm). The most inhibitory treatment which effect plumule length was 10g dry leaves extract in 48 hours soaking duration, which reduced the plumule length up to 0.26 mm as compared to control (7.8 mm). Germination percentage was also induced by 10g dry leaves extract in 48 hours soaking duration which reduced germination percentage to 13.33% as compared to control (100%). The reported inhibitory effects suggests the presence of some kinds of allelochemicals in Ailanthus altissima L. inhibited the germination and growth of the wheat.
Keywords: Ailanthus altissima L.; Allelopathy; Germination percentage; Inhibitory effect; Plumule length; Radicle length; Triticum aestivum L.