40. First study of equine cryptosporidiosis in asymptomatic traction horses in Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan

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Naimat Ullah Khan Samia Sultan Ihasan Ullah Mian Saeed Sarwar, Tahir Usman, Hazrat Ali Anwar Ali Azmatullah Khan Fazli Rabbani Abdul Razzaq Munib Hussain


The present project was conducted to explore the prevalence of Cryptosporidium species in equines along with associated risk factors (age, sex, month wise). Overall 384 samples were collected randomly from apparently healthy horses from different stations in district Peshawar. As a result, the overall prevalence of equine cryptosporidiosis was 11.97% (46/384×100) screened by microscopic examination after acid fast staining. According to the age wise equine cryptosporidiosis, the highest prevalence (16.96%) was recorded in young equines at the age of (<1-5 years) while the lowest (9.92%) in adult equines at the age of (≥6-10 years) and observed significant (p<0.001) association. The highest sex wise equine cryptosporidiosis was recorded in male horses (13.76%) followed by female horses (10.97%) and statistically insignificant association (p<0.132) was recorded. According to the month wise prevalence, the highest prevalence was record in month of June (23.07%) followed by April (16.12%), July (15.62%), September (14.70%), October (13.79%), August (10.71%), January (10.71%), March (8.82%), February (8.69%) while the lowest in December (6.06%) and statistically significant association (p<0.05) was recorded. As a result, it was concluded that asymptomatic horses were responsible for high excretion of Cryptosporidium oocysts that continuously contaminate the environment as well as different sources of drinking water used for humans and animals in rural areas.

Keywords: Cryptosporidiosis; Equines; Risk factors; Prevalence; Cryptosporidium; Zoonotic



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