6. Epigenetic regulation in lymphoma

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Saeeda Khanum Hayat Ullah Jamila Shuja Muhammad Hashim Jan, Muhammad Sharif Jamali, Iqra Arshad Shamsuddin . Samreen Shabir Amna Bano


Epigenetic mechanisms are essential for normal growth and development for the preservation of gene expression patterns in mammalian specific tissues. Global changes in the epigenetic land scape are a sign of cancer. Cancer is considered as one of the genetic diseases, but it has recently become clear that epigenetic alterations have been implicated in the progression and initiation of cancer. Recent advances in the rapidly evolving field of epigenetic cancer have revealed a general reprogramming of all components of epigenetic cancer machines, such as histone modifications, DNA methylation and non-coding RNAs, in particular microRNA expression as well as the positioning of the nucleosome. The reversible nature of epigenetic aberrations has led to the manifestation of potential exposures of epigenetic therapy that is improving with the current FDA approval for some epigenetic drugs for cancer treatment. In B cell lymphomas, epigenetic mutations and perturbations of the epigenetic structure are recent events. The main objective of this review is to highlight some important discoveries involved in epigenetic regulation and to provide a theoretical framework to examine them that how epigenetic modifications could contribute to lymphomagenesis.

Keywords: CHOP; DNA methylation; Epigenetic; EP300/ CREBBP; EZH2; HDAC; Histone acetyltransferase



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