50. Correlation and heritability analysis in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) genotypes

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Keenjhar Laghari, Munaiza Baloch, Jay Kumar Sootaher, Kirshan Kumar Menghwar, MenghMitho Kachi, Zeeshan Majeed Kumbhar Waqar Hussain Shah, Mukesh Kumar Soothar Irfanullah Daudpotto


This investigation was made to find out new discoveries from the correlation and heritability for ten yield and participating attributes in eight rapeseed genotypes at the experimental field of Oil Seeds Section, Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam during 2017-18 in a randomized complete block design entailing three replications. The analysis of variance articulated highly significant and significant differences for all the growth and yield supporting attributes. In case of correlation study, plant height showed positive and significant relationship with seed yield plant-1. Days to 75% flowering was non-significantly positive correlated with seed yield plant-1. There existed positive and significant correlation of number of siliquas of plant-1 with seed yield plant-1. The associations of number of seed siliqua-1 were noted significant and positive with seed yield plant-1. There was noticed positive and significant association of number of branches plant-1 with seed yield plant-1. Seed yield plant-1 was only positively as well as non-significantly correlated with seed yield acre-1. Seed index revealed positive correlations with oil content and seed yield acre-1. Higher estimates of heritability were unveiled for days to 75% flowering (h2 = 89.94%), days to 75% siliqua formation, (h2 = 96.77%), number of branches plant-1 (h2 = 66.83%) and oil content (h2 = 99.55%). It was concluded that in the existence of correlation, heritability can also be regarded quite imperative for the betterment of any polygenic attribute, nonetheless these genetic materials are preferred for further breeding programmes in the development of rapeseed genotypes in future.

Keywords: Correlation; Heritability; Rapeseed



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