96. New trematode Psilochasmus platyrhynchosi (Trematode: Psilochasmidae) from Mallard Anas platyrhynchos (Anseriformes: Anatidae) in Sindh province of Pakistan
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During helminthological studies of Mallard A. platyrhynchos of Hamal Lake, Sindh, Pakistan, twenty-seven birds were examined. The gut contents revealed 32 trematodes belonging to genus Psilochasmus. The morphological features of present specimens differ from congeners in the distribution of vitellaria which is densely arranged in hind body, presence of seminal receptacle, the shape of ovary and size of eggs. Based on these differentiating characters, a new species Psilochasmus platyrhynchosi is proposed.
Keywords: Anas platyrnhnychos; Anatidae; Psilochasmus platyrhnchosi; Pakistan; Sindh