97. Phytochemical characterization of organically grown lettuce varieties for antioxidant status

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Nadia Sajjad, Fazal Muhammad Bangulzai, Nazeer Ahmed Alizai, Zakia Bibi, Muhammad Ashraf, Rehmat Ali Baloch Abdul Gaffar, Muhammad Ilyas Khalil Ahmed Bangulzai


Phytochemical properties of two varieties of Lettuce grand rapid and ice-berg were studied in this experiment. The Complete Randomized Design was followed in the laboratory of Horticulture Department, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. Highest activity of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme (159.64 U g-1 protein) was observed in V2. Minimum activity of SOD enzyme (141.14 U g-1 protein) was calculated in V1, lettuce grown in T0 (Control) treatment. Highest activity of the Poly Phenol Oxidase enzyme (32.59 U g-1 protein) was observed in V2 grown in T0 Treatment (Control), Minimum activity of PPO enzyme (28.14 U g-1 protein) was calculated in V1 lettuce grown in T3 (Peat moss+ chicken+ compost) treatment. Highest activity of the Peroxidase enzyme (28.43 U g-1 protein) was observed in V2 grown in T3 Treatment (Peat moss+ chicken+ compost). Minimum activity of POD enzyme (27.08 U g-1 protein) was calculated in V1 lettuce grown in T0 (Control) treatment. Highest activity of the CAT enzyme (24.17 U g-1 protein) was observed in V2 grown in T3 Treatment (Peat moss+ chicken+ compost. Minimum activity of CAT enzyme (20.13 U g-1 protein) was calculated in V1 lettuce grown in T0 (Control) treatment. All analytical attributes were highly significant among treatments as well as between two varities of lettuce. From this study it was concluded that hybrid variety ice-berg is better than grand rapid phytochemically. In case of treatments, T3 (Peat moss+ chicken+ compost) give best results.

Keywords: Antioxidant status; Lettuce; Organic fertilizer; Phytochemical characterization; Varieties



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