106. Screening of different maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes against salinity under hydroponics

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Munaza Batool Muhammad Saqib Muhammad Abdul Qayyum, Muhammad Jan Syeda Amber Hameed Ahmad Kamran Khan Athar Khaliq Tayyaba Naz Arif Hussain, Shafqat Nawaz


Growth and development of a crop or even cultivars within a species of a crop respond to soil salinity since germination. Twenty the most growing varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes were used in this study. The sterilized and healthy seeds of twenty maize genotypes were sown in trays containing two inches’ layers of gravel. The experiment comprised two levels i.e 100 mM NaCl was developed step wise with NaCl salt, whereas no salt was added in control for hydroponic
experiment, designed in two factorials Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with three
replications on four cultivars with the design of experiment was completely randomized with five replicates and factorial arrangement. Results showed that the highest shoot fresh and dry matter was produced by EV-5098 whereas the minimum shoot fresh and dry weight was produced by Pak-afgooe due to higher accumulation of Na+ in its leaves and lower concentration of K+ and K+: Na+ ratio which depreciated its performance. There is a significant increase in Na+ concentration while concentration of K+ and K+: Na+ ratio is significantly decreased under saline conditions. Results indicated that root and shoot length, number of leaves plant-1, fresh and dry mass production varied with NaCl stress which indicating that some cultivars of maize seedlings are highly susceptible to concentrated NaCl.

Keywords: Hydroponic; Maize; NaCl stress; Root length; Sensitivity and shoot length



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