112. Prevalence of tick infestation in goats reared under semi-intensive system

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Asad Ali Jariko, Riaz Ahmed Leghari Javaid Ali Gadahi Mujeeb Ur Rehman Memon Asad Ali Khaskheli Muhammad Qasim Koondhar Rashid Ali Jariko Muneer Ahmed Jariko


Study was conducted on total of 300 goats from 10 villages of Taluka Khipro, District Sanghar for the presence of tick infestation. The prevalence of tick infestation in goats was recorded as 74.33%. The highest tick infestation rate was observed in Haji Ilyas Rajar (93.33%), and the lowest (50%) was noticed at Karim Bux Laghari. Gender wise tick infestation prevalence of both male and female in goats was recorded as 56.25% and 82.84%, respectively. The age-wise tick infestation was observed 172 (80%) in adults and 51 (60%) in young goats. The most common tick infestation sites were recorded ears (46.4%) followed by tail region (28%) and around the eyes (9.6%). The four species of ticks infesting the goats were observed as Hyalomma anatolicum, Amblyomma variegatum, Boophilus microplus, and Rhipicephalus anguineus. While the high intensity of tick infestation was recorded of Hyalomma anatolicum (43.04%) followed by Amblyomma variegatum (26.90%), Boophilus microplus (16.14%) and Rhipicephalus anguineus (13.90%). All tick-infested goats showed clinical signs of weakness, anaemia, and anorexia. Study concludes that the Hylomma was the most prevalent species of tick infesting the goats reared under the semi-intensive system. Adult female goats were more susceptible to tick infestation compared to the young males.

Keywords: Damage; External parasites; Goat; Prevalence; Tick



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