38. Screening of different mustard varieties against sucking insect pests

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Zamir Hussain Bhand, Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani Bhai Khan Solangi, Muhammad Akbar Lashari Velo Suthar Mitha Khan Mubeena Pathan Barkatullah Qureshi


The experiment was conducted at the Oilseeds Section, Agriculture Research Institute Tandojam during 2017-18 to monitor the population dynamics of sucking insect pests on mustard. Five mustard varieties i.e. P-23-R2, NMT-8, P-25, UCD-1202, ER-22 was screened to evaluate the relative resistance against sucking insect pests. The results showed that overall population of thrip (3.20±0.780) was recorded for P-23-R2 followed by P-25 (3.08±0.75), NMT-8 (2.97±0.70), ER-22 (2.93±0.6), (2.50±0.57) was observed for UCD-1202. Overall mean highest population of whitefly (0.98±0.29) was recorded for P-23-R2 followed by P-25 (0.92±0.26), NMT-8 (0.89±0.25), ER-22 (0.82±0.22) and (0.77±0.21) was observed for UCD-1202. Overall mean highest population aphid (21.80±10.28) was recorded for P-23-R2 followed by P-25 (20.78±10.10), NMT-8 (20.48±9.64) and ER-22 (18.85±9.07) and (18.27±9.04) was observed for UCD-1202. Overall mean highest population of jassid (0.74±0.20) was recorded for P-23-R2 followed by P-25 (0.60±0.30), ER-22 (0.59±0.15), NMT-8 (0.56±0.16) and (0.19±0.05) was observed for UCD-1202. The maximum crop yield (1937.9 kg ha-1) was recorded for UCD-1202 followed by ER-22 (1659.6 kg ha-1), NMT-8 (1639.9 kg ha-1) and P-25 (1609.3 kg ha-1). It is concluded that maximum infestation of thrip, whitefly, aphid and jassid was observed for variety ‘P-23-R2’ and minimum was observed for variety ‘UCD-1202’. The peak infestation of thrip was observed on 15th January, 2018 in all five mustard varieties. The population of thrips was linear decreased from 22nd January, 2018 to 12th March, 2018.

Keywords: Cultivars; Mustards; Sucking insect pests



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