45. Blood glucose-lowering mechanism action of fenugreek and metformin in albino rats

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Tanveer Ali Fazlani, Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Memon Jahan Ara Baloch Abdullah G. Arijo Muhammad Ismail Memon Raheela Mangi PanahMunir Shahwani, Aimal Khan Kasi, Raza Shah Kakar Jamila Soomro


Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine pancreatic common disorder characterized by partial or complete insulin deficiency due to impaired insulin secretion by β-cells. Fenugreek (Trigonella-foenum-graecum) is a medicinal plant belongs to Fabaceae family is medicinal plant having pharmacological characteristics. Metformin as an oral hypoglycemic drug has been ordinarily using for Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus and the hypoglycemic activity of metformin happens by virtue of its ability to hinder both gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis in liver cells. In present study diabetes was induced in rats through the administration of Alloxan monohydrate 150mg/kg body weight intraperitoneal. Hypoglycemic effect of powder of Fenugreek seeds and Metformin was compared. Fenugreek seeds powder at the dose of 3g/kg and metformin at dose of 150mg/kg body weight were administered orally in induced diabetes in rats. A significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in blood glucose level. The blood glucose level was decline significantly in treated groups (fenugreek seeds and metformin treated group) as compared with control diabetic group. A significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in final body weight in all groups. There was significantly decline in  final body weight in diabetic control group as compared to control group whereas final body weight was significantly increased in fenugreek seeds treated group, and metformin treated group as compared to final body weight of diabetic control group.Fenugreek seeds found more anti-hyperglycemic agent as compared to metformin.

Keywords: Fenugreek seeds; Metformin; Diabetes mellitus


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