19. An evaluation of phytochemical screening of Lantana camara Linn. (An invasive plant species of Pakistan)

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Hira Gul, Zaib-Un-Nisa,, Aiman Jabeen, Maryam Muhammad Anwar Sajad


Lantana camara Linn. is an invasive plant species in Pakistan, but also a very important medicinal plant. Current research was conducted to determine its different metabolites. FeCl2 was used for detection of phenolic compounds and found in different plant parts in higher quantity. For the determination of terpenoids and steriods CHCl3 and H2SO4 while NaOH was used to test cumarines and quinones and were found in all plant parts in sufficient amount. Distilled water and HCl were used to test the presence of phlobatanins but were absent in both ethanolic and methanolic extracts. Oil and fats were absent in all plant parts, no chemical was used in detection of oil and fats. For reducing sugars distilled water and Fehling solution A and B were used which showed that reducing sugar was present only in the ethanolic extract of the leaves. Whereas, only in methanolic extracts of leaves and flowers reducing sugars were found. Saponin was found only in methanolic extract of fruits whereas, the ethanolic extracts of stem and flowers showed the presence of saponins. Overall results indicated that L. camara contain important metabolites i.e. glycosides, saponins, tannins, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, quinones, cumarines, reducing sugars, phlobatanins, terpenoids and steroids due to which should be used for various infectious diseases, and in numerous traditional medicinal preparations. Furthermore, as the plant is an invasive species and cause harder for native plants so can be utilized for its medicinal purposes in large numbers and can be managed.

Keywords: Invasive species; Lantana camara; Phytochemical screening


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