25. Effect of altitude variations on summer pea crop in Poonch Division of Azad Jammu and Kashmir

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Nadeem Akhtar Abbasi Muhammad Shafique Sheraz Qamar, Abdul Ahad Qureshi, Ishfaq Ahmad Hafiz, Irfan Ali


Pea is one of the most liked high value vegetable crop which is mostly grown in plains during winters. For sustainable production it is necessary to grow offseason pea crop at higher altitudes where summer is relatively cold. Field studies were conducted at three different altitudes of Poonch Division of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (Pallandri Gorah, Rawalakot city and Tolipir Bunbeck) to identify the best suitable location for offseason pea cultivation. Therefore, commercial pea cv. ‘Meteor’ was grown during spring season to analyse the quantitative traits at three different altitudes. Results showed that seed emergence was significantly higher (92.38%) at Pallandri Gorah location; whereas, plant stem length (43.53 cm), number of branches plant-1 (5.58), number of leaves plant-1 (87.14), number of flowers plant-1 (40.2), pods plant-1 (25.6), pod length (6.59cm), number of seeds pod-1 (5.13), fresh seed weight plant-1 (48.76 g), fresh seed yield hectare-1 (8.02 tons) were significantly higher in pea plants grown at Tolipir Bunbeck location. Meanwhile, fresh pod yield plant-1 (83.8 g) and fresh pod yield hectare-1 (13.78 tons) were also high at Tolipir Bunbeck location. Evidently, Tolipir Bunbeck came out to be the most suitable location among all three altitudes for sustainable production of offseason summer pea crop.

Keywords:  Altitude; Azad Kashmir; Location; Pea; Poonch



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