39. Prevalence of depigmentation of human skin (Vitiligo) with association to thyroid, gender, age and diet in population of Quetta, Pakistan
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Vitiligo is a skin disorder in which white patches are appear on the skin. Vitiligo associated with some autoimmune factor like gender, diet, thyroid and age. Many patients of Vitiligo associated with thyroid disorder, this disease also involve in the Age and gender association as well as diet. This study has the purpose to know the vitiligo prevalence and association with autoimmune factor in the patients of Quetta. Study was conducted from Civil Hospital Quetta, in the guidance of skin specialist. Data consist of 104 patients of vitiligo. Data of vitiligo was conducted by the questionnaire. Questionnaires consist on the patient’s history, investigation and treatment. Data of vitiligo patients was analyzed in Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20 (SPSS-20) by using Chi-square test, to identify the vitiligo association with autoimmune factor like gender, age, diet and thyroid, mean of height and weight, family history and treatment. There is no significant association between vitiligo patients and autoimmune factor. But female was show high prevalence in gender, thyroid and diet. In vitiligo patients high prevalence of disease are in age of before the 30 years. Diet was not significant associated with vitiligo. 15.4% vitiligo patients associated with diet. 24.0% patients associated with thyroid. Mean height in females represented 4.10(ft) ±0.105 and in males mean height represented 4.07(ft) ± 0.154, here Feet (ft) is the unit of height. Mean weight in females represented 42.60(kg) ±2.45 and in males mean weight represented 46.68(kg) ±3.31, here Kilogram (kg) is unit of weight. 77.9% vitiligo patients receive treatment of vitiligo, 4.80% vitiligo patients are not receiving any affect of vitiligo treatment, while 17.3% vitiligo patients not believe on vitiligo treatment. After a few years this study will help to know; to understand the changes of vitiligo affect from the past to the future. After a while, we will know through the study that the disease has less or more association with the autoimmune factors, and by the comparison of this study result to the future study result we will know the changes in the prevalence of vitiligo and its association with autoimmune factors.
Keywords: Autoimmune; Factor; Melanin; Melanocytes; Vitiligo