43. Effect of phosphorus with and without phosphate solubilizing bacteria on growth and yield of tomato

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Saeed Ul Haq, Gohar Ayub, Sidra Saleem Abid Khan Nadeem Khan Seema Zubair


Tomato crop was evaluated for the effect of phosphorus and phosphate solubilizing bacteria, at Agricultural Research Station Buner, during March 2016.  Randomized Complete Block Design was used, replicated three times.  Different  phosphorus  levels  (0,  50,  75,  100  and  125  kg  ha-1)  with  and  without  phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB)  were  used.  The application of phosphorus (P) and phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) significantly influenced all the studied parameters.  Phosphorus  @ 125  kg  ha-1  influenced  early  flowering  (32days),  maximum  number  of  branches  plant-1  (9.12),  wider  stem  diameter  (1.26 cm),  maximum  leaf  area  plant-1  (2340.3 cm2),  increased  plant  height  (81.62  cm),  wider  diameter  of  fruit  (17.21  cm), maximum  number  of  fruits  plant-1  (64),  higher  yield  (25.9  tons  ha-1),  maximum  root  length  (14.62 cm)  and  maximum  fresh  root  weight  (89.92  gm). Application  of  phosphate  solubilizing  bacteria  took  minimum  flowering  days  (31),  maximum  number  of  branches  plant-1  (6.9),  wider  stem  diameter  (1.2  cm),  increased  plant  height  (76.34  cm),  wider  fruit  diameter  (13.62  cm),  maximum  number  of  fruits  plant-1  (63.56),  higher  fruit  yield  (24.6  tons  ha-1),  maximum  root  length  (14.27  cm),  and  maximum  fresh  root  weight  (87.94  gm),  except  leaf  area  plant-1  (1911  cm2).  Hence  it  is  concluded  that  phosphorus  @  125  kg  ha-1,  and  seedlings  inoculated  with  PSB  resulted  in  maximum  growth  and  yield  in  the  study  area.

Keywords: Bio fertilizer; Growth; Inorganic fertilizer; Solanum lycopersicum; Yield


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