11. Studies on correlation and heritability estimates in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes under the agro-climatic conditions of Tandojam, Sindh, Pakistan

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Zeeshan Majeed Kumbhar, Wajid Ali Jatoi, Jay Kumar Sootaher, Muhammad Ishaque Baloch, Adil Ali Gadahi Kirshan Kumar Menghwar, Muhammad Saleem Chang and Mitho Kachi


The experiment was conducted for the evaluation of association among morphological attributes in upland cotton genotypes at Cotton Section, Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam during the year 2017 in RCBD with four replications. The mean squares articulated a good magnitude of variation in the genotypes for all characteristics. Mehran produced shorter plants (111.00 cm), higher ginning outturn (40.25%) and staple length (28.50 mm). Sadori displayed maximum sympodia (30.75). FH-901 showed higher bolls setting plant-1 (56.50) and highest seed cotton yield plant-1 (175.32 g). Koonj produced bigger bolls (3.37 g) and highest micronaire value (4.70 µg/inch). Sindh-1 recorded higher lint index (5.50 g). There was observed positive as well as significant interrelationship of seed cotton yield with the most important traits such as bolls plant-1 and boll weight. The heritability values were observed in two ranges in which all the attributes articulated high heritabilities (90.74%, 97.63%, 91.16%, 92.30%, 92.98%, 83.38%, 74.69%, 69.26% and 62.50%) except lint index which manifested moderated heritability (46.77%). It was finalized that these genotypes performed very well and must be utilized in hybridization programme for the improvement of yield and fiber traits in new cotton genotypes.

Keywords: Correlation; Heritability; Upland cotton; Genotypes; Agro-climatic conditions


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