20. Efficacy of different insecticides against pod borer Helicoverpa armigera in gram field

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Munwar Ali Kandhro, Bhai Khan Solangi, Mubeena Pathan, Muhammad Akbar Lashari, Muhammad Saleem Sarki Barkatullah Qureshi, Velo Suthar, Mitha Khan and Razzak Amin Shah


This study was carried out at Entomology Section, ARI, Tandojam on chickpea variety DG-92. Two applications were done to determine the efficacy of Match 050 EC, Polytrin-C 440 EC, Lorsban 40 EC insecticides at 15 days interval. The observation was recorded before treatment and after 24, 48, 72, 96 hours and 7 to 14 days.  The pre-treatment count of the H. armigera in plot application with Match (1.90±0.18) which was decreased to 1.33±0.19, 1.00±0.30, 0.73±0.12, 0.67±0.13, 0.70±0.13 and 0.40±0.09/plant, respectively; followed by the plot application with Polytrin-C the H. armigera population for the observation of pre-treatment (2.70±0.26) which was decreased to 2.00±0.19, 1.70±0.19, 1.53±0.17, 1.07±0.17, 1.03±0.21 and 0.40±0.09/plant after 24, 48, 72, 96, one and two week of application, respectively. in the same way, on the plot application with Lorsban, the pre-treatment pod borer population was (3.17±0.21) reduced to 2.73±0.19, 2.37±0.19, 2.07±0.18, 1.93±0.30, 1.70±0.22 and 1.50±0.24/plant after 24, 48, 72, 96, 1 week and 2 weeks of application, respectively. In case of untreated control plots, the population of the H. armigera remained frequently high all through the study period which was 3.77±0.45 before treatment, 3.97±0.42, 4.00±0.54, 4.20±0.67, 4.23±0.51, 4.80±0.62 and 5.30±0.43/plant after 24, 48, 72, 96 hours , 1 week and 2 weeks of application, respectively. The second application results showed that the H. armigera population varied significantly (P<0.05) when observed after 24, 48, 72, 96, one and two week after of application; while pre-treatment population on the experimental units was almost uniform and non-significant (P>0.05)After second application the population of H. armigera before treatment with Match was (2.00±0.17) declined to 1.60±0.18, 0.97±0.13, 0.83±0.13, 0.70±0.13, 0.57±0.10 and 0.23±0.08/plant.

Keywords: Insecticides, Pod borer, H. armigera Chickpea, Cicer arietinum


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