42. Incidence and distribution of Lemon butterfly (Papilio demoleus L.) on five alternate Citrus hosts at Sahati region, Sindh-Pakistan

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Wali Muhammad Mangrio, Hakim Ali Sahito, Bhugro Mal, Tasneem Kousar, Zafar Hussain, Shah and Faheem Ahmed Jatoi


In Sindh province of Pakistan district, Naushahro Feroze is considered as the main hub for citrus fruit productivity. At field conditions research studies were carried out from five different citrus farmlands of the given Sahati region. All life cycle stages of Papilio demoleus were observed from the C. paradisi, C. sinensis, C. limetta, C. reticulata and C. aurantium. During one-year study plan data were taken fortnightly interval basis from the host plants. It was frequently observed that temperature fluctuation relaying the effect on the population of the lemon butterfly during severe cold as well as in intense warmer conditions. The overall mean of the egg population was observed at (2.88 to 5.39), larvae (1.12 to 3.89) pupae (0.56 to 1.00) adult (♂ :♀) male and female (0.45 to 1.04), respectively. During the October month population found high and in December month low on the leaves of five citrus verities i.e., Grape fruit maximum and minimum at (4.71 to 4.79), (1.27 to 1.39), Sweat orange (3.88 to 4.19), (1.12 to 1.38), Mousambi leaves (3.30 to 3.51), (0.91 to 1.03), Mandarian orange leaves (2.86 to 2.96), (0.78 to 0.84) and Bitter orange leaves (2.33 to 2.46), (0.54 to 0.63) respectively. It was concluded that caterpillars' fourth and fifth stages are a voracious feeder of citrus orchard leaves. The main motto of the present work is to take initiative over the lemon butterfly and aware of citrus growers of this region. It is recommended and immediate call to enhance stable integrated pest management eco-friendly techniques to secure the citrus industry for the upcoming period.   

Keywords: Caterpillars; Citrus orchards; Papilio demoleus; Sahati region; Voracious feeder



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