1. A brief history of Mastitis and its treatment with Bacteriophage against Staphylococcus aureus

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Nishat Zafar, Awais Aleem, Fariha Fatima , Sidra Sohaib, Muhammad Sikandar, Saba Siddiq, Huma Nasir, Ayesha Liaqat


The secretion of liquid from mammary glands is termed as milk. During the initial stages of life, it is the only source of food for mammals. Man has learned to domesticate animals for milk purposes; these animals are buffaloes, goats, cows, and camels. Besides its nutritional availability, consumers are also at risk of diseases due to antimicrobial residues and zoonotic pathogens. Raw milk and its derivatives favor the growth of many microorganisms, considered as the significant source of Staphylococcal infection in man. The 5% of Staphylococcal outbreaks in Europe were due to milk and other dairy products. In the last few years, multidrug-resistant Livestock-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) has been reported worldwide. Its increase is a significant concern from a public health perspective. Phage therapy proved to be successful for the treatment of bacterial infections in animal models and human patients. TEM126 can be used and selected for phage therapy as an antitherapeutic agent against Staphylococcus aureus infections. This review mainly focuses on the source of mastitis infection and their consequences and also discusses their treatment with bacteriophages.

Keywords: Mastitis; Milk; Phage therapy; Staphylococcus aureus


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