36. Systematic studies of Canthecona furcellata (Wolf 1851) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae) from Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan

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Shabana Mangi, Abdul Manan Shaikh, Waheed Ali Panhwar, Wali Khan, Muzafar Shah


During Pentatomid bugs studies of Canthecona furcellata (Wolf 1851)  was collected from the Sobhodero, Gambat, Faizgang Taluka of district Khairpur is a  predator of various larva of Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera of  pests, the taxonomical features of current specimens  differ from the body measurements coloration, male, female genitalial structures pygophore, aedeagus, parameres, different taxonomical characteristics, dorsolateral lobe of pygophore, narrow, short stem of paramere, female genitalial features1st gonocoxae triangular in , 9th para tergites elongates, spermathecal bulb elliptical, this species is a new recorded from the district Khairpur.

Keywords: Asopinae; Genitalia; Khairpur; Morphology; New record


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