9. Performance of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes morphological and yield traits under water deficit conditions
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The current research finding is carried out for developing the water tolerant genotypes thus the six sunflower genotypes such as Charinka, Thatta, A-2,TJ-1,N-17 and A-1 were studied at oilseeds research institute, Tandojam during 2019.The experiment was carried out in split plot design with three replications. Twelve quantitative traits were studied such as days to 75% flowering, day to 75% maturity, hight, head size, number of seeds head-1,seed index, relative water content, leaf area, head mass, mass of achenes head-1,plant dry matter and harvest index. The mean square from analysis variance displayed that genotypes, treatments and treatments x genotypes were significant for all the traits like days to 75% heading, days to 75% maturity, plant height, number of seeds head-1, 1000-seed weight, relative water content, leaf area, biological yield plant-1, head mass, mass of achenes head,-1 and harvest index. Water stress caused significant impacts on all the studies traits, like days to 75% heading, days to 75% maturity, plant height, number of seeds head-1, 1000-seed weight, relative water content, leaf area, biological yield plant-1, head mass, mass of achenes head,-1 and harvest index. Among the genotypes such as A-2,A-1 and TJ-1 performed better under water stress conditions according to higher mean performance for days to 75% heading, day to 75% maturity, plant height, head size, number of seed head-1,1000 seed weight, relative water content, leaf area, total dry matter, head mass, mass of achenes-1and harvest index. Seed yield significant negative (-0.49*) associated with days to 75% flowering, (-0.57*) 1000-seed weight and (-0.44*) relative water content. The seed yield plant-1 was significant positive (0.90**) associated with harvest index. Whereas in water stress condition seed yield significant negative (-0.40*) associated with plant height and (-0.36*) head mass and it was significant positive (0.44*) with head diameter, (0.73**) seeds per head, (0.87**) 1000-seed weight and (0.78**) harvest index.
Keywords: Morphology; Sunflower; Yield traits and Water deficit