29. Life table studies of three mango hopper species in field conditions

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Raja Riaz Hassan Awan, Abdul Ghani Lanjar, Aslam Bukero, Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani, Shahzad Ali Nahiyoon, Dileep Kumar


Mango is a fruit-producing tropical tree belonging to the flowering plant genus Mangifera, cultivated mostly for their edible fruit. Most of these species are found in nature as wild mangoes. The present study was conducted in the Horticultural Garden, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan. Life table studies revealed that the surviving fraction (Sx) in the egg stage of Amritodus atkinsoni, Idioscopus clypealis, and Idioscopus niveosparsus, was calculated as 0.94, 0.95, and 0.97; Mortality survival ratio (MSR) were 0.07, 0.05, and 0.04 and Indispensable mortality (IM) were 65, 49 and 35. Similarly, the Sx in nymphs of all three hopper species were calculated as 0.942, 0.954, and 0.964; MSR were 0.062, 0.048, and 0.036 and IM were 48.8, 39.8, and 31.0, respectively. The k-value from egg to 5th instar nymph of A. atkinsoni ranged (0.01-0.03), I. clypealis (0.02-0.03), and I. niveosparsus (0.01-0.02). It is concluded that mortality, apparent mortality, mortality, survival ratio, and indispensable mortality were highest in egg, 3rd, and 4th instars of I. clypealis. However, the maximum K-value was recorded among egg, 3rd, and 4th instars, respectively. In the case of A. atkinsoni with a variation in k- value that was maximum in 3rd and 4th instars. Life table studies of I. neviosparsus revealed that maximum apparent mortality, survival fraction ratio, and indispensable mortality were noted in the 4th instar. Whereas the maximum k-value was recorded in egg, 3rd, 4th, and 5th instar nymphs. The total K-value was highest in the case of I. clypealis followed by A. atkinsoni and I. neviosparsus, respectively.

Keywords: Amritodus atkinsoni; Idioscopus clypealis, Idioscopus niveosparsus; Life table


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