3. Biodiversity of Hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of district Khairpur Mirs, Sindh, Pakistan

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Sher Muhammad Kanher, Nasreen Memon, Syed Mansoor Ali Shah


Biodiversity of hoverflies was studied from January to December 2016 in six different habitat types present in district Khairpur Mirs. As a result, 688 specimens were collected belonging to 13 species and 8 genera. Simpson and Shannon-Weinner Diversity Indices were used to document species richness and evenness in the habitats like cereal crops,vegetables,fruit farms,oil seed plants,fodder and ornamental plants. In addition to these,Pearson correlation was employed to observe the strength of relationship among hoverflies,host plants and environmental factors. All these species are a new record from this district.

Keywords: Biodiversity; Hoverflies; Khairpur; Species richness and evenness


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