8. Qualitative and sensory characterization of muffins synthesized with chestnut flour substitution

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Anum Nazir, Nizwa Itrat, Maham Mehboob, Uswa Ahmad, Dua Ali


Celiac disease is being known as inflammation of small intestine and depicted by enteropathy of gluten sensitivity. Chestnut is one of effective fruit for the treatment of this disease. It has gluten free properties. Water Chestnut (Trapa Natans) belongs to the family of Trapaceae. Trapa fruits are astringent, diuretic sweet and tonic. The fruit of chestnut contains vitamin B, vitamin A and C, and minerals. The current research work was planned to determine the nutritional profile of dried water chestnut. Dried chestnut grinded into flour was analyzed for proximate analysis. Mineral profile was determined by using flame photometer sodium and potassium. Results of proximate analysis displayed that among all the observed minerals, sodium and potassium were the most abundant i.e. 1.4 and 0.9 mg, correspondingly. Five muffins products i.e. T˚ (0 g), T1 (4g), T2 (6 g), T3 (8g), T4 (10g) and T5 (12g) were prepared by different substitutions of chestnut flour. Mean values of sensory evaluation of prepared products (muffins) for the appearance feature, amalgamated with chestnut flour. Results of muffins appearance parameter showed that treatments T4 and T5 enhanced the parameter greatly compared to other treatments. Overall results depicted that T5 was the most effective in case of flavor, aroma, softness and overall acceptability of the prepared muffins while T4 was the most effective in case of rest of the qualitative paramters of the muffins. Therefore, addition of chestnut flour can enhanced the qualitative aspects of the prepared bakery products and attraction of the consumer as well leading to the acceptance of the products. The data attained for all parameters was monitored statistically.

Keywords: Aroma; Flavor; Muffins; Qualitative paramters; Softness


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