9. Effects of dalmazin (PGF2α) on luteal cyst in Sahiwal cows, Multan, (Punjab) Pakistan

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Muhammad Zafar, Muhammad Muzammil Malik, Muhammad Taqadas Sajjad, Sajid Ali, Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan, Naveed Ahmad Samrah Masud, Muhammad Hashir Latif, Muhammad Sharjeel Noor, Asmatullah


The current study was conducted on Sahiwal cows at Multan Dairy Farm, located on Khanewal Road, Multan with a sample size of 327 cows. Through prostaglandin analogue process the cows identified to possess luteal cyst were treated. The aim of this study was to assess the response of treatment of Dalmazin (PGF2α) in Sahiwal cows to increase the production of dairy cattle through advancing reproductive strategies. The cows not showing visible signs of estrus between days 80-100 postpartum were known to be cystic disordered. Initial examination was carried through rectal palpation. No visible estrus signs were identified in 71 (21.71%) animals. Postpartum disorder was found in 16 (4.89%), follicular cysts in 12 (3.67%), corpus luteum in 13 (3.97%), persistent corpus luteum in 13 (3.97%), Anoestrous in 14 (4.28%) and cystic ovary in 3 (0.92%) Sahiwal cows. The clinical examinations were repeated 3 times with an interval of 7 days whereas, for progesterone, the blood samples were also collected. Radioimmunoassay (RIA) used for progesterone measurement and concentration of plasma progesterone confirmed results of rectal palpation. Before treatment blood progesterone’s concentration was 1.46±0.45 ng/ml, 1.13±0.58 ng/ml and 0.58±0.24 ng/ml during 1st, 2nd and 3rd week respectively. The 10 cows found to have luteal cyst. The treatment with Dalmazin (PGF2α) changed the plasma concentration of progesterone and it was 1.28±0.49 ng/ml, 3.89±0.89 ng/ml and 6.04±1.92 ng/ml during 1st, 2nd and 3rd week respectively. In response to treatment, 70% cows were found to be pregnant and 30% cows were regular in cycling. 

Keywords: Cows; Dalmazin; Estrous; Estrogen; GnRH; Luteal Cysts; Progesterone; RIAS


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