6. Production, characterization, food application and biological study of powder of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) parts (peel, flesh and seeds)
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Present study was conducted to explore and utilize the excellent nutritional profiles of pumpkin peel, flesh and seeds. Pumpkin parts are good sources of protein, fat, fiber and ash contents. Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) three fractions (peel, flesh and seeds) were separated, dried and grinded into powder. Replacement of white flour with pumpkin powders at 0, 5, 10 and 15% levels were tested for their effect on physical, sensory, chemical and nutritional characteristics of biscuits. Increase in thickness and decrease in width and spread factor of the biscuits was observed by increasing the percentage of pumpkin powders from 0-15%. Ash, fiber and fat contents of biscuits were increased significantly by replacing white flour with pumpkin powders. Pumpkin seeds flour 15% replacement provided optimal values for ash (1.65±0.020%), fat (32.46±0.06%) and fiber contents (1.24±0.009%). Replacement level from 5-10 % of all three types of powders got good scores, close to the control for color, taste, texture, flavor and overall acceptability. Pumpkin seeds powder supplemented biscuits exhibited a remarkable increase in protein quality of biscuits which can be compared with casein-based diet formulation. 15% replacement level of pumpkin seeds powder resulted in 63.38±0.45% BV, 87.17±0.6% TD, 55.47±0.46% NPU and 2.12±0.05 PER of biscuits and these results were close to the diet based on casein (67.19±0.24% BV, 95.82±0.72% TD, 63.85±0.19% NPU and 2.53±0.12a% PER values). Utilization of pumpkin parts in the form of powders, extracts and functional food products should be the key strategy to improve humans’ health.
Keywords: acceptability; biscuits; chemical composition; digestibility; hardness; protein quality