2. A review of the efficacy and management of fruit flies, through different techniques used in fruit orchards of Pakistan
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The review-based study was conducted on the enhancing efficacy of fruit fly management techniques in fruit orchards throughout the world and Pakistan. The study aimed to find alternative solutions to the excessive use of different toxic chemicals used in the case of pest management in the agriculture sector in Pakistan. The database shows that there is not sufficient review base data recorded on local bait applications in fruit fly management in Pakistan. The literature from science direct.com, Scopus, and google scholar show that the use of insecticide application as the foliar spray has a residual effect both on crops, vegetables and pets and becomes a source of contamination in a residential area still, instead of using high-cost value artificial lures as fruit fly attractants, Excessive use of chemical, urea, and local baits applications have a positive approach an orchard grower. While in case of toxic bait used in trap McPhail trap, bucket trap internationally but in Pakistan flat trap, in case of color selection yellow and white color play a key role in pest management program.
Keywords: Attractant; Bait; Enhancing efficacy; Fruit fly