19. Effect of various planting times on growth, yield and quality of hydroponically grown tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculenlentum Mill)

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Qaisar Ali Khan, Shahid Javed Butt, Zia¬-Ul-Haq, Ismara Naseem, Arshad Iqbal, Muhammad Sajid


Hydroponics is an innovating agriculture production system to grow offseason vegetables in urban and water stressed environment. In this system plants are grown in inert media rather than soil for achieving higher yield. In hydroponic planting times is very important for achieving higher profit. Planting time play a significant role in the production and the eminence of tomatoes. To examine the effect of planting time on growing yield and quality of hydroponically tomatoes. A study was conducted at Institute of Hydroponic Agriculture, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid University Rawalpindi during 2018-19. During the study four different planting times were selected 2nd week, 3rd week and last week of April and 1st week of May respectively. The data collected were statistically analyzed by experimental design complete randomize design (CRD). Experimental result shown highly significant variation among various treatments. It was concluded from the experimental results that early planting (2nd week of April) showed the better performance on the quality as well production of hydroponically grown tomatoes as compare to late sowing.

Keywords: Hydroponics; Planting times; Tomatoes


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