24. Application of priming of seed (Aqueous Garlic Extract) on germination and growing parameters of maize (Zea mays L.) under salinity stress
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The present study focused on the improvement of seed performance under salinity stress for Maize (Zea mays L.); a very common C4 plant, grown in a diverse soil environment. It is quite susceptible to salinity stress. Globally, salinity stress is amongst substantial abiotic stress which directly affects crop production. It is a serious threat to agricultural yield in semi-arid areas. The study aimed to evaluate the application of priming of seed with aqueous extract of garlic on growing of maize under salt stress. Maize seeds primed initially with aqueous extract of garlic. The seeds were further treated with salt stress from aqueous garlic extract in three different concentrations i.e., 25 mM, 50mM and 75mM. Distilled water was used as control at each salinity levels. Results showed that garlic extract improved germination by 10 % in maize as compared to control. The effect was also recorded for growth parameters of maize against the control which included shoot length, root length, fresh weight and dry weight. Salt stress of 25mM and 50mM showed decrease variation i.e., 13.4% and 25.6% in shoot length, 5% and 2% in root length, 28.95% and 36.85% for fresh weight, 28.47% and 30.7% in dry weight in comparison to 75mM which showed decrease variation of 45% decrease in shoot length, 34.68% in root length. 57.9% fresh weight and 69.3% in dry weight. The study concludes that garlic extract is a good option for improving germination. It is also best for growth optimization if applied in a low concentration.
Keywords: Garlic Extract; Maize; Optimization; Seed Priming; Salinity Stress