34. Characterization of total phenolic content and antioxidant property in sweet cherry (Prunus avium) kernel extract and oil

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Iram Saeed, Ashif Sajjad, Inam ul Haq, Fouzia Noreen, Ayeesha Masood, Kulsoom Baloch, Arshad Hussain


During recent years, phenolic content and antioxidant activities of plant products gained lot of interest. Because they suppress the property of proliferation of free radical and protect the human body from various disorders. The cherry kernel, which is obtained from the processing-related waste from cherry fruit, is categorized as a non-consumable waste. In the present study kernel oil of sweet cherry (Prunus avium) was extracted by using a Soxhlet apparatus with n-hexane as a solvent and kernel methanolic extract was also obtained. By following the Folin-Ciocalteu method total phenolic content of the extracted oil and methanolic extract was determined. The obtained results showed that the percentage of total phenolic content in methanolic extract was 301.4% whereas 36.2% in the extracted oil. Antioxidant analysis was carried out by DPPH assay. The obtained results of study showed 83.52% inhibition of DPPH for methanol extract, while in extracted oil it was 98.75%. Studies suggest that daily intake of vegetables, and fruits have great importance because they are rich in bioactive substance especially anti-cancerous (breast cancer, colon cancer), antioxidant (free radical, ROS) and anti-inflammatory activity (insect bite, rheumatism, muscle swelling). It can be concluded that the solvent extract and the extracted oil from cherry kernel have relevant bioactive substances and can be used in pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and for curing disease.

Keywords: Antioxidant property; Kernel oil; Phenolic content; Sweet cherry


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