Effect of different nitrogen levels on growth and yield of radish under the agro-climatic condition of district Bajaur

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Aziz Ullah, Miftah Ud Din, Hammad, Zakir Ullah Jan, Mehdi Raza, Muhammad Tahir, Zubair Shah Tausif Ahmad


Nitrogen is a primary macronutrient which having a key role in protein synthesis and an essential constituent of amino acids. It is immensely required for better production of radish crop. An experimental research with different nitrogen levels on growth and yield of radish under the climatic condition of Bajaur was performed at Research Farm of Agriculture Research (MAs), district Bajaur. The experimental study was carried out in RCBD with total eight treatments replicated three times and size of each plot was 2 x 2 m2. Eight different nitrogen doses (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 and 210 kg ha-1 N) were given in two split doses, first dose was given during sowing and another dose was applied after 30 days of sowing. The statistical results showed that application of nitrogen positively affected all the studied attributes. Maximum number of leaves per plant (19.68), plant height (37.68 cm), root diameter (7.69 cm), root length (31.62 cm), root weight (412.11 g) and total yield (102.63 t ha-1) were recorded in the plants applied with nitrogen @ 210 kg ha-1. Less number of leaves plant-1 (10.55), plant height (21.07 cm), root length (21.23 cm), root diameter (4.59 cm), root weight (328.47 g) and total yield (83.54 t ha-1) were recorded in the control treatment. It is concluded from the present experiment that utilization of nitrogen @ of 210 kg ha-1 could be applied for higher yield of radish crop under the agro-climatic condition of district Bajaur.

Keywords: Growth; Nitrogen; Radish; Root diameter; Yield


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