Stability studies of newly developed cotton genotypes for seed cotton yield sown at various locations of Sindh province

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Zaheer Ahmed Deho, Saifullah Abro, Muhammad Rizwan, Shafique Ahmed Abro, Hafeez-ur-Rehman Bughio


Field experiments were undertaken to assess seedcotton yield and stability of some new upland cotton strains under six different agro-environments. Three upland cotton strains NIA-97, NIA-98 and NIA-99 and two commercial check varieties NIA-Noori and CRIS-510 were planted under six different environmental conditions of Sindh province viz. Tando Jam, Sanghar, Khairpur, Ghotki, Hala and Umarkot. Seedcotton yield data was recorded from each location and stability analysis (genotypic x environment interaction) was performed in GEA-R software. The combined analysis of variance for varieties, locations and varieties × location interaction showed highly significant (P< 0.05) differences. The pooled analysis of variance showed that both the linear and non-linear (pooled deviation) components were significant, indicating the presence of both predictable and un-predictable components of genotype-environment interaction. The genotypic mean seedcotton yield from the all sites showed that genotype NIA-97 produced highest seedcotton yield (2951.4kgha-1) followed by NIA-98 (2744.8kgha-1). Mean site yield data depicted that Umarkot was high yielding site (2876.3 kgha-1) followed by Hala and Ghotki sites (2678.8 kgha-1, 2671.9kgha-1) respectively. The strain NIA-98 and check variety NIA-Noori had regression coefficient (bi) values 1.0176 and 0.9127 respectively which is closed to unity 1.0, hence are wide adaptable. NIA-98 is also high yielding line. Whereas; NIA-97 and NIA-99 has values 0.3 and 0.56 which is lower than unity values 1.0, hence both genotypes show tolerance to stresses and are stress adaptable genotypes. The check variety CRIS-510 had (bi) values 2.200 which indicated that the adaptability to favorable environments.

Keywords: Adaptability; Gossypium hirsutum L.; Genotypes; Stability; Multi-environments

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