Covid-19 vaccines and their adequacy prospects in Pakistani population; A comparative review

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Muhammad Awais, Urooj Saleem, Sana Rehman Cheema, Iqra Ishfaq, Esha Jameel, Muhammad Azan Ali Chaudhary Rana Muhammad Rehan, Emmania Abid, Muhammad Naeem


The pandemic situation of Covid-19 caused numerous deaths globally which led to vaccine design in order to control the alarming situation. Covid-19 vaccines include Nucleic Acid-based vaccine, Viral Vector-based vaccine, Viral vaccines and Protein-based vaccine. Protein subunit vaccines, also regarded as guarded vaccines, are one of the safest vaccines for the Covid-19. Protein-based vaccine relies on assistants to enhance immunogenicity. Nucleic Acid-based vaccines use DNA or RNA which induce a strong immunological response in the host body while replicating. These can be replicating or non-replicating vaccines. Viral vaccine is an old type used to overlap the disease, yet they are of significant importance in controlling Covid-19 with high proficiency. Sinopharm, an attenuated Covid-19 vaccine, shows effective activity against disease-causing viral particle with mild side effects due to the presence of viral subunits. Viral Vector-Based vaccines utilize modified virions. Individuals in Pakistan have been reluctant to vaccination due to different reasons. People have safety concerns regarding different types of vaccines because of their nature and production time. Many questions have been raised by masses addressing the safety of vaccines for different sub groups including pregnant women, lactating women, diabetic patients, AIDS patients or cancer patients. Different vaccines have been designed, but all of them have not been approved for use in Pakistan. Most of the vaccines have been administered in Pakistan but some are still under trial. Several myths have made individuals hesitant towards vaccines but WHO made it compulsory in institutions and offices.

Keywords: Covid-19; Efficacy; Side Effects; SARS-Cov2; Vaccines; Vaccination Challenge

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