37. Influence of split nitrogen application on yield and yield components of various maize varieties
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Maximum soils of the Pakistan are N deficient. The Nitrogen applied to the soil can be leached down in soil below the root zone of the crop while some of the Nitrogen gets volatized in the atmosphere which can adversely affect the crop growth and development of corn plants so application timing of nitrogen in maize has a great importance and considered the best and appropriate for production of maize. Nitrogen application is required by the maize plants when needed and is taken at higher rates could improve nitrogen use effectiveness by diminishing the denitrification and immobilization. The study entitled “Influence of split nitrogen application on yield and yield components of maize” was carried out during 2016 at the Research Farms of Agronomy, The University of Agriculture Peshawar. Four split nitrogen applications were assigned to main plots while the varieties were assigned to sub plots. Experimental results exhibited that application of nitrogen in three split, 60 kg ha-1 before sowing + 60 kg ha-1 at knee height stage + 60 kg ha-1 before tasseling stage has produced taller plants, maximum ear length, thousand grains weight, biological yield, grain yield, shelling percentage and harvest index. Among various varieties, Azam has produced maximum thousand grains weight, biological yield and grain yield. It is concluded that nitrogen applied in three splits (60 kg ha-1 before sowing + 60 kg ha-1 at knee height stage + 60 kg ha-1 before tasseling stage) and Azam variety of maize crop has produced maximum grain yield.
Keywords: Azam; Biological yield; Grain yield; Nitrogen; Split; Varieties