9. Prevalence of ABO blood group in diabetic nephropathy in population of Punjab-Pakistan
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The study was designed to find the association between ABO blood group and diabetic nephropathy (DN). This cross-sectional study was conducted at Endocrine Unit and Diabetes Management Centre, Services hospital of Lahore from January 2016 - July 2016. The studied population included 540 subjects that were divided into two groups i) diabetic nephropathic group (n=337) and ii) control group (n=203). Questionnaire was designed to gather information concerning risk factors. The type of blood group was determined by standard agglutination test. Data was evaluated on SPSS software (Version 13). Prevalence was determined by percentages. It has been concluded that DN was more prevalent in females (54.8%) as compared to males (45.1%). It was found that risk factors such as hypertension (44.2%), family history of renal disease (28.1%) and smoking (22.2%) were more prevalent among the diabetic nephropathic group. In the control group, percentage distribution of blood groups A, B, AB and O were found to be 9.35%, 46.7%, 11.8% and 32% respectively. While in the DN group percentage distribution of blood groups A, B, O and AB were found to be 2.96%, 44.5%, 2.67% and 49.8% respectively. In this cross sectional survey, it was found that blood group O was more prevalent in Diabetic Nephropathy group. While in Control group, blood group B was found to be more common. In the control subjects, Rh+ve factor prevalence was 92.6% and among the DN group it was 94.9%. Subjects having blood group O type had greater risk of progressing diabetic nephropathy in comparison with other blood types.
Keywords: ABO blood group; Diabetic nephropathy; Glycemic control; Risk factors; Rh factor