2. Impact of potassium levels and application timing on dry matter partitioning of wheat crop in Peshawar valley

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Manzoor . Amir Sohail Shahzad Ali Muhammad Owais Khan Shazma Anwar, Haq Nawaz, Farhan Ahmad, Junaid Ahmad Muhammad Waseem Abbas Muhammad Kefayatullah



A field experiment was conducted at Agronomy research farm, KPK, The University of Agriculture Peshawar during season 2016-17. The experiment was carried out in RCBD having 4 replications. The treatment consists of potassium levels (0, 60, 90 and 120 kg ha-1) and application time (full and split application). Wheat variety Pirsabak-2013 was sown at the rate of 120 kg ha-1 in rows 3 m long and 30 cm apart. The results showed significant effect (p≤0.05) of potassium levels on dry matter partitioning in different parts of wheat. Maximum dry matter partitioning in Leaf (116.28 and 156.51gm-2), Stem (227.85 and 386.53gm-2), Spike (22.95 and 214.05gm-2), and Total dry matter (407.31 and 757.09gm-2) at booting and anthesis stage, and Maximum dry matter partitioning in Leaf (345 gm-2), Stem (420.1gm-2), Spike straw (365.46gm-2), Grain (515.5gm-2) and Total dry matter (1646.1gm-2) at physiological maturity stage were recorded with potassium application at a rate of 90 kg ha-1. The interaction of potassium levels and application time had also a significant effect on total dry matter partitioning. Potassium 90 kg ha-1 with full dose application at booting stage produced maximum dry matter partitioning (413.18gm-2) and at anthesis and physiological maturity stage maximum dry matter partitioning (763.45 and 1648.3gm-2) were recorded with potassium 90 kg ha-1 and split dose application(half at sowing + half at tillering). Based on the results, among potassium levels, 90 kg ha-1 produced more dry matter partitioning as compare to other levels of potassium. So potassium level 90 kg ha-1 is recommended for high dry matter partitioning in different parts of wheat in Peshawar valley.

Keywords: Application time; Dry matter partitioning; Peshawar valley; Potassium levels


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