4. Study of macro-fungi belonging to order Agaricales of Poonch District Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK)
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The aim of present study was to explore rich, diversified but mostly unexplored myco-flora of Poonch district of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) for the presence of macro-fungi belonging to order Agaricales of class Basidiomycetes. The study period was spread over from May, 15 to Oct, 2015 with temperature ranges between 21-36°C. A total of 16 species belonging to 11 genera and 8 families of order agaricales were collected and identified. Out of 16, 5 were edible while remaining 11 were deadly poisonous species. Most of the species (14) were found growing on soil while Omphalotus olivascensand Pleurotus ostreatus were found on wood. Microscopic study revealed that maximum pileus size was 17cm found in Chlorophyllum rhacodes while minimum pileus size 1.5 cm was recorded of Psilocybe cyanescens. Spore print of species was predominantly white, black and brown, however, pale spore print was found in Pleurotus ostreatus. Spore size also varies and maximum spore size was 14-8 × 12-9 µm found in Panaeolus campanulatuswhile minimum spore size was 4.5-6×3-5 µm found in Agaricus placomyces. It is also pertinent to mention that many of agaricales members found during studies such as Pleurotus ostreatus has great medicinal, nutritional and commercial value. Conversely, Amanita phalloides commonly known as death cap was also found in same area. The results of this pilot study in existing and expanding area of mycology showed that there is great deal of potential is present which further needed to be explored and exploited.
Keywords: Agaricales; Amanita phalloides; Poonch; Pleurotus ostreatus