22. In vitro repellency evaluation of selected botanical extracts against cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne

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Waseem Kamal Sajjad Ahmad Muhammad Saeed Abdur Rehman Hayat Zada Abdul Latif, Taimur Khan, Sami Ullah



To investigate the percent repellent outcomes of the chosen botanical extracts against adults cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricorne Anobiidae: Coleoptera) an experiment was carried out at the Entomology Section, Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Haripur, in 2015. Two native botanical extractions obtained from Mentha longifolia (Mint) Lamiaceae and Momordica charantia (Bitter Gourd) Cucurbitaceae were tested for finding the repellent outcomes against Lasioderma serricorne while exposing them for ten days. The concentrations of botanical materials were 25, 50 and 75%. Each treatment was replicated three times with completely randomized design (CRD). Outcomes confirmed that highest repellency was observed at tenth day of exposure by M. longifolia i.e. 86.667% at 75% concentration versus L. serricorne, followed by M. charantia at the same dose (75%) where the percent repellency was 76.67. The experiment further confirmed that as the exposure time and the concentrations increased the percent repellent outcomes of the L. serricorne also increased.

Keywords: Concentration; Lasioderma serricorne; Plant extracts; Repellency; Time exposure


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