56. Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield and yield attributes of wheat variety Ujala-2015 under irrigated conditions of Balochistan

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Amanullah, Zulfiqar Ali Rahujo, Mehdi Hassan, Muhammad Yaqub Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro, Saeed Ahmed, Nazeer Ahmed, Munir Ahmed Khetran Shafique Ahmed, Noor Samad Naseer; Nadeem Sadiq



The study objective was to check the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on wheat variety Ujala-2015 yield and yield attributes under irrigated conditions of Naseerabad and Jaffarabad Districts. The experiment was consist of four treatments i.e. T1-Farmer own practices of fertilizer N:P 90:60 kgha-1, T2-Biofertilizer+N:P 45:22.5 kgha-1, T3- Humic acid+N:P:P 45:22.5 kgha-1 and T4- Balance nutrient management N:P 60:30 kgha-1. Two years pooled data indicated that the application of Biofertilizer in combination with N-45 kgha-1 P-22.5 kgha-1 enhanced 3.4% to21.5% grain yield and 2.5% to 22.3% fresh biomass yield as compared to the treatment-1(Farmer own practices of fertilizer N: P 90:60 kgha-1). Biofertilizer+half NP dose is a beneficial product that contains many elements which improved the soil fertility and increase the availability of macro and micro nutrient elements.Treatment-2 significantly uptake of various macro and micronutrients such as N, P, K, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn and B contents of wheat tissue. Also, soil characteristics of Naseerabad and Jaffarabad districts were evaluated overall soil physicochemical, macro and micronutrients i.e., pH, EC, lime contain%, O.M, N, P, K, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn and B were increased with Biofertilizer+half NP application. Biofertilizer+N:P 45:22.5 kgha-1> Humic acid+N:P: P 45:22.5 kgha-1 > Balance Nutrient Management N:P 60:30 kgha-1 >.

Keywords: Inoculum; Humic acid; Nitrogen; Phosphorous; Wheat; Yield components


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