61. Effect of salt NaCl stress on seed germination and vegetative growth of Gaillardia (Gaillardia puchella L.)

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Abdul Qadir Gola, Mujahid Hussain Unar Niaz Ahmed Wahocho, Tariq Aziz Javed Ahmed Abro, Zeeshan Khan, Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro, Ghulam Hussain Bugti



In order to the influence of Salt NaCl stress on seed germination and vegetative growth of Gillardia, during the successful year 2018, at the Horticultural, Garden Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam Pakistan. The experiment was conducted as factorial Complete randomized design (CRD) with three replication in the Seed of two varieties (Lorenziana double mix and Gaillardia sundance) and salinity levels (0, 1, 3, 5 and 7ds/m). The results showed that cultivar has significant affect on the irrigation water (Control canal irrigated water) growth and development showed that (80.37%) seed germination (6.54) numbers of leaves plant-1, (1064.1) and Seedling vigor index 13.23, and other cultivars. The highest and lowest Salinity levels of shoot length (8.03 g), fresh shoot biomass (15.65 cm), root length cm (10.23), root biomass (0.65 g) and electrolyte leakage of leaf (67.53%) The different between these cultivars were observed. It seems that the Salt stress on seed germination is not properly useful for the assessment of salt and tolerance of Gaillardia. 

Keyword: Gaillardia (Gaillardia pulchella L.); Growth and Yield; Salt stress


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