79. Spectrophotometric determination of phenolic antioxidants in four varieties of apples (Pyrus malus) from Balochistan, Pakistan

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Atta Muhammad, Attiq-Ur-Rehman, Naqeebullah Khan, Samiullah Muhammad Asghar, Abdul Baqi, Abdullah Jan zeerak Mohammad Hussain, Hayatullah



Apples (Malus domestica Borkh) are the good source of phenolic compounds and antioxidants, which are not only potential nutrients but also effective in chronic diseases. Four famous varieties of apple namely Shin Kulu, Amri, Kaja, and Tor Kulu from different areas of Balochistan province were collected and analyzed for phenolic contents and antioxidant activities in methanol-water (80:20% (v/v)) extract by using standard spectrophotometric methods. The results of average extract yields of the antioxidant component obtained in dry weights (dw) of both peel and pulp were found 27.3±0.52g/100g and 19.1±0.21g/100g respectively. The different varieties of apples contain quantity of entire phenolics content on apple peel and pulp ranged from 13.12±0.22mg to 17.87±0.10mg GAE/g dw for peel and 7.21±0.10mg to 11.57±0.08mg GAE/g dw for pulp and total flavonoids content were found from 12.22±0.11mg to 15.30±0.18mg CE/g dw for peel and 6.01±0.03mg to 9.69±0.14mg CE/g dw for pulp. The variations in reducing power of the 10 mg/mL were ranged in peel from 2.139 to 2.725 and pulp from 1.181 to 1.724. The variations in the inhibition of DPPH scavenging activity of the 80% methanolic extracts were seen from 79.6% to 67.6% in peel and 57.8% to 41.2% in pulp. The variations were also found on the basis of genotype, soil fertility, care of watering and climate of the area. The results reveal high concentration of phenolics content, flavonoids content and antioxidant capacity in peel than pulp, so the consumption of peel with fruit might be strongly recommended to achieve better nutritional benefits.

Keywords: Antioxidant activity; Apple peel; DPPH; Flavonoids; Phenolics; Pulp


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