88. Effect of vermicompost on growth, yield and quality of chilli (Capsicum annum L.) under the agro climatic condition of Peshawar, Pakistan
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The experiment was conducted to evaluate the “Effect of vermicompost on growth, yield and quality of chili (Capsicum annum L.)” at Horticulture Research Farm, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan during April 2017. The experiment was laid out in Randomize Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two factors, vermicompost levels (0, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 t ha−1) and cultivars (Magma and Himaliya). The data related to vermicompost showed that growth, yield and quality parameters increased with increasing level of vermicompost. Maximum plant height (93.83 cm), stem diameter (1.69 cm), number of branches (12), leaf area (1337.3 cm2), fruit length (10.92 cm), fruit weight (4.80 gm), root length (23.11 cm), yield (8.26 tons ha-1), highest ascorbic acid content (193.33 mg 100-1 g fruit) were recorded at @ 2.5 tons ha-1 of vermicompost,. In case of cultivars maximum plant height (89.58 cm), stem diameter (1.55cm), number of branches (10.67 fruit weight (4.27 gm), fruit length (10.33 cm), root length (21.07 cm) and yield (6.55 tons ha-1) and minimum ascorbic acid content (165.50 mg 100-1 g fruit) and leaf area (1102.2 cm2) were recorded in Magma cultivar. However highest ascorbic acid content (184.08mg 100-1g) and maximum leaf area (1211.6 cm2) were recorded in cultivar Himaliya. It is found that Magma cultivar along with 2.5 tons ha-1 vermicompost showed better growth, yield and quality parameters and hence may be recommended under the agro-climatic conditions of Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Further research is suggested to explore vermicompost benefits and other high yielding chili cultivar for Peshawar.
Keywords: Chili; Growth; Quality; Vermicompost; Yield