95. Biozote-N performance in peas production under the influence of compost application
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The major challenge faced by the smallholder farmers of Balochistan is low soil fertility and productivity. Recently, more emphasis is being inflicted on sustainable agriculture and the use of biofertilizer is considered as one of the main driving factors for it. For this purpose, a field study was carried out at experimental station of Agriculture Research Institute Sariab Quetta during 2015-16. The Biozote-N was investigated in five set of treatments including T1 = control (Recommended dose of PK Fertilizer), T2 = Biozote-N, T3 = Biozote-N + T1, T4 = Compost @ 5 t ha-1+ T1 and T5 = Biozote-N +T4 which based in Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications. The results showed that Biozote-N in combination with compost and recommended PK fertilizer (T5) `produced maximum pod length (6.10 cm), pod yield (3.40 ton ha-1), number of nodules plant -1 (457), number of effective nodules plant-1 (221), dry root biomass (4.72 g plant-1) and shoot dry biomass (23.60 g plant-1 followed by the treatment having compost @ 5 t ha-1 + recommended PK fertilizer (T4) along with greater leaf macro and micro nutrients concentration. There was highly significant correlation among pea traits and leaf nutrient concentration which demonstrate that improvement in pea growth and yield was due to increased nutrient accumulation. Consequently, it is suggested that the integration of Biozote-N with compost and inorganic fertilizer have improved pea crop performance that can further be tested in the field at various locations of the province and is proved as good source of biofertilizer.
Keywords: Biofertilizer; Biozote-N; Compost; Leaf nutrient conc.; NPK fertilizer; Pea; Yield