9. Effect of biostimulation and estrus synchronization on estrus response and fertility rate in primiparous and multiparous Kundhi buffaloes

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Qudratullah Kalwar Akeel Ahmed Memon, Asmatullah Kaka, Nazar Ali Korejo Yar Muhammad Jalbani Rashid Ali Korejo, Tarique Ahmed Khokhar , Muhammad Mohsen Rahimoon, Arab Khan Lund


Anestrus and unobserved estrus are one of the crucial managemental lapses in the livestock business. This research was planned to assess the efficiency of different estrus synchronization procedures with bull exposed and with non-bull exposed groups in primiparous and multiparous buffaloes at Kundhi buffalo farm Rorhi and its surroundings. Total 40 (n=20 primiparous, n=20 multiparous) buffaloes were used in this study. The chosen buffaloes were divided into two main groups, A (BE, Bull-Exposed) and group B (NE, Non-Exposed). Based on the treatments A group was further sub-divided into two sub-groups,  OvSynch bull-exposed (OBE) A1 and  prostaglandin bull exposed (PBE) A2. Also, B group was parted into dual sub-groups Ovsynch non-exposed (ONE) and prostaglandin non-exposed (PNE) group B2. Results of the present study showed that estrus response differed significantly among the primiparous and multiparous Kundhi buffalo in all groups (P<0.05). The overall estrus response (50% and 100%) and pregnancy rates (40% and 70%) were higher in both primiparous and multiparous animals of BE groups as compared to primiparous (60% and 70%), and multiparous animals (30% and 60%) of NE groups. The overall estrus, duration was also higher in the primiparous (22 ± 0.66 hours) and multiparous animals (20 ± 2.05 hours) of BE groups, in contrast to 16 ± 0.95 hours and 14 ± 0.84 hours of NE groups. These findings suggested that the use of bull with OvSynch protocol it could efficiently be used to improve the estrus incidence and pregnancy rate in primiparous and multiparous buffaloes as compararion double prostaglandin protocol.

Keywords: Biostimulation; Estrus synchronization; Estrus response; Kundhi buffalo; Pregnancy rate


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