25. Heritability estimates in F4 generation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under the agro-climatic condition of Tandojam, Sindh-Pakistan

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Rabab Khanzada Mehboob Ali Siyal Saima Bano Shayan Syed Samia Arain Sajida Nazeer Mukesh Kumar Soothar


The research studies on heritability estimates were conducted to evaluate the performance of grain yield and various yield components of six F4 segregating population originated from four parental varieties of bread wheat. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 replications. The results for six F4 segregating populations and their four parental wheat varieties for the traits revealed highly significant differences at P< 0.01 and P< 0.05 level of probability. Different progenies showed different response for different traits. The progeny Sarsabaz x Bhittai took significantly more days to 75% maturity (128.3), more spike length (14.0 cm) and more spikelets spike-1 (21.6). Progeny Sarsabz x FD-83 showed significant increase in grain yield plant-1 (29.0g), 1000-grain weight (48.0 g) and tillers plant-1 (13.67) as compared to other progenies and the parental lines. The parent varieties Sarsabaz and Bhittai showed good performance with respect to number of tillers plant-1 (15.33) and spikelets spike-1(24.3). The progeny FD-83 x Bhittai revealed significant in number of grain spike-1 (56.7) and biological yield kg ha-1 (22960) as compared to their respective parental lines. Two progenies Nesser x Bhittai and Nesser x FD-83 showed the highest heritability coupled with more genetic advance (GA) for most of the traits measured i.e., days to 75% maturity, spike length, grains spike-1 and grain yield plant-1. Four progenies viz., Sarsabaz x Bhittai, FD-83 x Bhittai, Sarsabz x FD-83 and Nesser x Sarsabz showed better performance highest heritability associated with high genetic advance for other characters tillers plant-1, spikelets spike-1,1000-grain weight and biological yield kg ha-1. These results suggest that more effective selection could be obtained from these segregating populations for specific traits originated after these combinations.

Keywords: Agro-climatic condition; Heritability; Wheat


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