35. Genetical studies of corn crop to exploit heterosis, proportional contribution and gene action at diverse water regimes

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Taufiq Ullah, Ijaz Rasool Noorka JS (Pat) Heslop- Harrison Faisal Saeed Awan Worku Negash Mhiret


The study is based on mating fashion of line × tester and its relative analysis to exploit the heterosis, proportional contribution of diverse lines, testers, their interaction and gene action in cross combinations of different corn genotypes under different water regimes. Total 12 parents comprised of eight lines and four testers; crossed to produce 32F1 hybrids. Parents including their hybrids were evaluated in CRD with three water treatments under controlled conditions with three replications in two seasons. Heterosis, percent contribution of lines, testers and line × tester interaction and gene action were studied for the traits i.e. ear leaf area, number of kernel rows per ear, 100 grain weight, biological yield, vegetative dry matter and anthesis-silking interval. Variable heterosis both in magnitude and direction was observed. Both additive and non-additive gene effects have role in the control of anthesis-silking interval; whereas non-additive gene effects were observed for ear leaf area, number of kernel rows per ear, 100 grain weight, biological yield and vegetative dry matter. However100 seed weight was mainly affected by dominance effects under this study that helped for the selection of parents to be used for the development of synthetics and hybrids durable for different water regimes.

Keywords: Additive; Hybrid; Line × tester; Susceptible; Water stress


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