39. Growth of wheat as affected by fresh and composted poultry manure, urea and beneficial microbes
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Organic manures can be used to increase crop growth, productivity and sustainability. Organic manures applications without processing have low potential to supply nutrients in short time. In this experiment different treatments were applied as source of nitrogen and 120 kg N ha-1 was desired from each single treatment or combination of treatments. The different treatments were comprised of poultry manure composted (PMC) for various durations i.e. 5, 10, 15 and 20 days. Two composting conditions were used i.e. one sole composted poultry manure and the other was integrated with half nitrogen from urea. Beneficial microbes (BM) were applied in two levels i.e. no BM and 50 L ha-1. Sole treatment of poultry manure only, machine compost, urea only, a combination of urea and poultry manure in 50:50 ratio and a control treatment for mean comparisons were also used. The results of the experiment indicated that different composting duration significantly affected days to anthesis, leaf area tiller-1, leaf area index, days to maturity and plant height. Higher values were recorded with compost duration of 15 days except days to anthesis and plant height which were higher with compost duration of 20 days. Moreover addition of compost along with urea in 50:50 ratio increased days to anthesis, leaf area, leaf area index, days to maturity and plant height. Application of beneficial microorganisms at the rate of 50 L ha-1 increased crop growth. The fertilized treatment in comparison with control treatment was found superior in terms of growth. The pit compost in comparison with machine compost performs better and increased growth and yield. It is concluded that compost duration of 15 days when applied in 50:50 ratio with urea increased crop growth and yield and thus recommended for general cultivation of wheat crop.
Keywords: Beneficial microbes; Composted poultry manure; Fresh poultry manure; Growth; Wheat and Urea